Welcome to CopperCAD-Ware group:

CopperCAD-Ware has developed tools that enhance the productivity and quality of the PCB Designer. These tools take manual tasks and handle them electronically. They take difficult tasks, make them seem routine and enhance the CAD tools by doing tasks that the tools are unable to do. The CopperCAD-Ware makes the impossible tasks possible. It is what the PCB designers wish for. At present, CopperCAD-Ware has been developed to support the Cadence's UniCAD toolset; however, new tools are being developed for Cadence's Allegro tool. Presently, we have two offerings: METS (Manufacturing Engineering Tool Set) and UniCAD's Lisp tool box. These products can be purchased separately or as a bundle.

For sales and licensing information on CopperCAD's CAD-Ware,
or a quote for custom Skill coding, please Contact Us .

AVerify DFx ToolBox for Cadence Allegro.
SKILL ToolBox for Cadence Allegro.
LISP ToolBox for UniCAD.
METS (DFM) Cheker for UniCAD.

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